This website is for informational use only and does not provide any medical advice.

a woman using a tablet device


image of human ankle


The ankle is a joint found at the junction of the leg and foot that is important for ambulation. The ankle’s primary need is…
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image of the adult man having massage because of his back pain


The back is one of the most important and largest parts of the human body. It is a conjunction between major body muscles of…
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image of the adult lady and the therapist


Our necks, also called the cervical spine, make up the first region of our spinal column. It is a well-engineered structure of bones, nerves…
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image of the senior man and the therapist


The elbow is a hinge joint that gives our arms much of its versatility, structure, and durability. It is one of the most active parts of our body…
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image of the therapist massaging the foot of the patient


The foot is the terminal portion of a limb that bears weight and allows locomotion. The muscles, tendons, and ligaments that run along…
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image of the senior having hand pain


Our hands are grasping organs that exhibit great mobility and flexibility. They include the fingers and are capable of a wide variety of…
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image of the therapist helping senior patient


The hip joint is one of the largest joints in the body. It is composed of one osseous joint. The hip is built for weight-bearing and movement…
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image of the adult guy patient strugling knee pain


The knee is the largest joint in the body. It is built for weight bearing, stability, and mobility. The knee complex is composed of…
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image of the therapist massaging the leg of the patient


Generally, the leg is the entire lower limb of the human body, including the foot, thigh, and even the hip or gluteal region…
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image of the senior having low back pain

Lumbar/ Low Back

The lumbar spine refers to the lower back, where the spine curves inward toward the abdomen. It starts about five or six inches below the shoulder blades…
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image of the therapist helping senior man with his shoulder pain


The shoulder complex is built for mobility; however, this ability to move comes with the designation of being the most unstable joint in the body…
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image of the senior man struggling with his mid back pain

Thoracic/ Mid Back

There are twelve thoracic vertebrae, and they are intermediate in size between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae; they increase in size…
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